How to Use Credit Cards Online
Websites have made it easy to shop online. Simply find what you want, enter your shipping information, choose a payment option, and in five to seven business days, it will be delivered to your door. However, there still remains a small percentage of the population that has never made a purchase through the Internet. For some people, the fear of compromising their financial information is too great, whereas others are unsure of how to use a credit card online.
Step 1Check that the website address starts with https. To prevent your credit card information from being viewed by hackers and other users, it's important that you conduct an online purchase through a secure website. Any website that asks for your information should start with https in the address bar.
Step 2Enter your credit card information. Once you have selected what you want to purchase, the site will ask you for your shipping and payment information. Enter the address you want your item shipped to, and then enter your credit card number and date of expiration. As a security measure. the website will ask for the three- or four-digit CV number found on the back of the card.
Step 3Check your credit card use online. After making the purchase, you can check your credit card activity online to ensure that the purchase went through and no other unauthorized charges to your account have been made.
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